The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Diocesan News

Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
12th January 2025

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Preface of today’s Mass offers us a clear reminder that the Lord Jesus has been sent by the Father to bring good news to the poor. Jesus, the Word made Flesh, God-with-us, was born among us so that all may have life. The good news of Salvation is, therefore, the message that the Church is tasked to bring to the whole world.

Just as the Holy Spirit was present at Jesus’ baptism by John, “declaring Him” the Son of the Father, so the Holy Spirit dwells in those who are baptised, guiding the mission that is given to us all through our baptism – our sharing in the mission of the whole Church.

We are called to nothing less than living every moment of life caught up, as it were, in the love that exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptism brings us to life lived in the love of the Blessed Trinity. It opens for us the way to a relationship with God, in and through Christ, so close that nothing, as St. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans, can separate us from this love. Just as Isaiah states in the first reading today, the Lord gathers us in His arms, carries us close to Him and cares for us with the greatest gentleness.

Baptism opens for us the way to the other Sacraments, most especially the Eucharist. Let us not forget that there is nothing more wonderful in this life than our meeting with the Lord in the Eucharist, as he nourishes us with Himself – He who is the Bread of Life.

All is gift: life in the love of the Blessed Trinity, closeness to the person of Jesus, the abiding presence in our lives of the Holy Spirit who prompts our actions and prays within us when we cannot find the words. So much is given that we cannot fully describe its wonder. As Jesus reminds us, to those who are given much, much is expected.

How, then, are we called to respond to God’s gift? As Christ offered Himself, must we not offer ourselves to be the Lord’s instruments in bringing good news to the poor?

As the Church we must witness to the good news in an ever-changing world and each and every living stone in the spiritual house that is the Church must take their place in this mission.

In this Jubilee Year, the Holy Father has called us to be Pilgrims of Hope. Our Hope is the Kingdom to which we look forward and it is this Hope, grounded in Faith and expressed also in Love, that is the Christian’s Mission – our gift to the world. It is nothing less than the proclamation of the Kingdom of Christ Himself.

This year is also the 60th Anniversary of our Diocese – surely a favourable time for us all to pray for increased openness to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our commitment to share the Good News of the Kingdom.

This call to mission is at the very heart of our Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Since Easter last year, conversations have been taking place in each of our present deaneries, setting our communities on the path to new expression, to a renewed journey of prayer, formation and mission that we may truly live as communities of saints – living in Hope, Faith and Love in proclamation of Christ Who is our Way.

There is much in these conversations, it is true, that is about structure. While this is necessary, we must not allow ourselves to be absorbed solely in these matters. The renewal of our parish structures is for the very purpose of enabling us all – lay faithful, religious, deacons, priests and bishop – to take our proper place in the great mission that the Lord has given to us.

Ever-deeper conversation and sharing across our communities, together with a sharing of resources will, in time, open the way to renewed mission as our focus shifts to greater cooperation and effectiveness in the proclamation of the Good News.

The new model of parish will enable us to live as “communities of communities” – bringing strength and renewed life as communities join together in prayer, in formation and in the mission that will develop from these foundations.

These initial steps may not always be easy. We must learn to work together in new ways and I take this opportunity to thank those priests who have accepted the leadership role of moderator. I ask everyone to allow them the time and give them and the clergy teams the support they will need for these early stages in this new way of living out our mission.

There will be much work ahead, especially for moderators and the clergy and lay faithful who will be called to serve on leadership teams. Let us all come together in our “communities of communities” for prayer, formation and the renewed mission for the world the Lord calls us to serve.

With every Blessing,

+ Richard

Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Pastoral Plan 2024

Bishop Richard has issued a new Pastoral Plan for the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, marking an important new stage in the development of diocesan parish structures, creating new pathways for apostolic mission and meeting the challenges of an increasingly secular society with renewed confidence and openness to the Holy Spirit.

The Call to Mission focuses on the significant potential of diocesan parish communities to act as “beacons of light… not in an era of change, but in a change of era” consolidating the work already undertaken across the diocese to place prayer, formation, and mission at the heart of diocesan parish and school community life.

The plan reorders the diocese in a radical way: in the coming months, the present 11 deaneries will be re-configured as 11 parishes; priests & deacons will work together, with one of the priests appointed Moderator for each parish.

The new, updated Pastoral Plan is available on the diocesan website: 

INVITED 2021-2025

Our Invited Mission

(for links to each episode, see Live Stream on this website)

Our Invited Mission began last year, bringing people from across the Diocese, and far beyond, together in faith, online.

Season I allowed us to explore the basic message of the Gospel; that we are created by a God of love, for a perfect relationship of love with Him, but that sadly our brokenness, weakness, and wounded nature means that we often turn away from Him – struggling to find our own paths to the peace and joy that only He can bring.

Season II of Invited, ‘Growing in Faith’ was all about our day-to-day experiences, the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, exploring what it really means to be a follower, or disciple of Jesus.

Season III – there are four weeks of this Invited Season which coincide with the four weeks of Advent, and as you work through these resources, we hope and pray that you and the guests you are journeying with, will grow n faith as well as friendship.

Each Invited Season III film is accompanied by a range of downloadable resources on the theme of the Incarnation. The programme is designed to be accessed by individuals and groups – with everyone, regardless of age, depth of faith, or involvement in the parish very welcome. 

Hot on the heels of our Advent season, we are delighted to bring you the fourth season of our Invited digital mission this Lent. Invited Season IV will offer an important opportunity to take a deeper dive into our faith, and is designed to help us grow as disciples of Jesus by offering a richer level of formation – with some practical challenges along the way.

Taking part is easy, you simply watch each week’s film – available on our Invited webpage, via email if you sign up, and on social media – and use the accompanying resources to help you watch, reflect, and pray. The Lent season is aimed at those who have already said ‘yes’ to Jesus and are looking for concrete ways to conform their lives more closely to Christ. It will help you understand who Jesus is, and just how much he loves you. 

(see Diocesan Website for further information)


MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING COURSES Would you like to understand more about the challenges and reality of mental health on those around you? We continue to run courses focused on raising awareness of symptoms and the impact on people’s lives along with ways to signpost those who are struggling. For more details see the Diocesan website or email Simon South, Formation Advisor E:

WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? As part of the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies, different subjects are taught in depth over Saturdays in Crawley. These include the Scriptures, the Person of Jesus Christ, the Church and its sacramental life and moral understanding. The modules can be attended separately or can build as part of the Certificate. Course runs October to April and suit anyone who is interested in developing knowledge of their faith, whether personally or to support a ministry. More info E:

Thinking of the Priesthood – In our Diocese we have a St John Vianney Group meeting 4/5 Sundays each year. It is a group for men aged 18-45 who wish to explore whether they have a calling to the priesthood. If you would like to find out more or just chat generally about vocations contact our diocesan vocations director, Fr Tristan Cranfield:

Have you ever thought about being a priest, or know someone who has? Our diocesan vocations director, Fr Tristan Cranfield, is planning several days of reflection for men to start discerning God’s call in earnest. It’s not always easy to know if God is calling you to priesthood; these days will aim to explore some simple tools for finding out, time for prayer and an opportunity to learn more about the diocesan priest, along with other men following the same path. Certainty is not required – the day may be just a chance for you to start your thinking, pray and ask questions. Please contact to find out more.

21st September – Catechists’ Day 11.00-4.00pm

CCRS SOUTH Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies: Beginning Tues 24 Sept 2024 3.45pm – 5.45pm Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Hove. The CCRS will be run on Tuesdays, 3.45-5.45pm. With modules delivered over two years. £20 registration fee, plus an additional £30 for each of the 8 modules. More information from Jon Harman, Formation Advisor: E:

12th October – Marriage Anniversaries Mass  11.30-2.00pm

6th November – Grandparents’ formation Day 11.00-3.30pm

To find out about and book events hosted by the Diocese please visit our website events calendar :

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

This year, we invite the Catholic community to reflect on the journey towards racial justice – past, present and future – by asking: ‘How far have we come, where are we now and what remains to be achieved?’