The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Parish Life Ascending Group


We meet on the first Wednesday of the month after the 10 o’clock Mass in St Joseph’s cafe and PNL Meeting Room for coffee, chat, discussion and prayer. We join with other Ascent groups for pilgrimages, quiet days and for an annual residential retreat. The Life Ascending Movement is an international Christian movement for older people who have retired from active working life and are looking for friendship with a spiritual dimension within their parish.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

Please, let us continue to pray for peace! War is a human defeat; it does not solve problems but only brings destruction. So many children and innocents die! Let us pray for all countries at war. Let us always pray for peace.
Pope Francis