can be found here or please see Newsletter for details
Weekday Masses – please check the newsletter and website for weekday Masses for the next while as occasions for Mass may vary – check local parish’s times as well.
Welcome to Fr Richard Madders who will be covering Masses this weekend.
Tues 19.00 Rosary Group St Joseph’s Church
Wed 10.30 Parents & Toddlers PNL Centre at St Joseph’s
Fri 09.00 Exposition before Mass St Joseph’s Church
Sat 15.00 Get Together Group PNL Cafe at St Joseph’s
Sun 10.00 Coffee after Mass PNL Centre at Holy Family
Sun 12.00 Coffee after Mass PNL Centre at St Joseph’s
2nd Collection this weekend is for Education Sunday
2nd Collection next weekend is Mission Appeal
The Second Collection today Sunday 8th September is for Education Sunday and the Catholic Education Service.
Mission Appeal next weekend. Fr. Robert Sowa, a priest of the Xaverian Missionaries, will make a Mission Appeal for the work of the Xaverians at all Masses next weekend. Please be generous in supporting the work of the Church throughout the world.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is seeing some changes as they start the new year. Mrs Tamsyn Lawlor has been promoted to the role of executive headteacher within the Xavier Multi-Academy Trust, with oversight of St Joseph’s and the Sacred Heart (Caterham) Primary Schools, and we welcome Mr Thomas Hall who has been appointed Head of School. We wish the children and all the staff a happy return to school – keep them in your prayers.
Season of Creation 1st Sep – 4th Oct This year’s theme is “to hope and act with Creation”; an invitation to transform our damaging behaviours into ones that bring about the fruitfulness of Creation. More info and ideas on the Journey to 2030 website
Bereavement Coffee Morning – Grief is a very personal experience but it can help to talk to someone. If you feel that this would be of comfort please come along to our coffee morning on Saturday 7th Sept 10:30am-12noon, St Joseph’s PNL Centre meeting room. Trained befrienders will be there, just turn up and you will be most welcome.
Parish Sunday Lunch today Sunday (8th Sept) 12.30pm in the PNL Centre, St Joseph’s. All welcome – come with family & friends and meet your fellow parishioners. There is no need to book, bring your own drinks, no charge, donations welcome. If you can help with preparations for any of the Sunday lunches please contact the parish office
Parish Exposition – Bishops, clergy, & people from across England and Wales are journeying to St Mary’s College, Oscott, Birmingham on Sat 14 Sept. On Sunday 15 Sept the Bishops of England and Wales are inviting all parishes to have a period of Exposition to unite the faithful of the country in focusing on the Eucharist in anticipation of the Jubilee Year with renewed and deepened devotion.
Catechists’ Formation Day on Saturday 21 September 11am – 4pm at Worth School. For all catechists and those involved in adult formation across our parishes: Any queries please email E:
Marriage Encounter For the past 50 years Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been offering marriage enrichment experiences. Focused on couples who want to enrich their relationship and discover God’s desire for their marriage. The Marriage Encounter weekend and on-line experience are an opportunity to explore your relationship at a deeper, more intimate level, regardless of how long you have been together. Thousands of couples in the UK have benefited from a Marriage Encounter Experience. Our next experience is: Non-Residential at Church of the Annunciation, Burnt Oak, London, HA8 0HQ 21-22 Sept 2024
Marriage Anniversaries Mass: on Saturday 12 October 11.30am at Arundel Cathedral. Bishop Richard will celebrate Mass followed by a drinks reception. Please join us for a wonderful opportunity to renew your wedding vows and revel in the joy that marriage can bring. Family and friends are very welcome. To book your place please book through the Diocesan website events calendar.
What is the Price of Modern Slavery; Do you want to know the answer to this and other questions such as What is it? Where is it? What can I do? Why should I care? Then come to Southwark Against Modern Slavery’s event at Reigate Methodist Church Saturday 19th October 2024 10.00am – 3.00pm We have invited some experts in the field of Modern Slavery, including Bishop Richard Moth.
First Holy Communion Programme We will be running this programme for children entering school year 4 and above starting in the autumn. The best preparation comes from the family, and the growing presence/familiarity the children can have with the Mass and the ‘rhythm of faith’ that we celebrate Sunday by Sunday through the seasons of the Church’s year. If you have a child entering year 4+ and would like to register interest to join the programme please email:
Enquirers group (RCIA) if you are thinking about becoming a Catholic, or as an adult catholic you would like to ‘catch-up’ on the sacraments of initiation (Confirmation and Holy Communion) a group meets regularly on a Monday evening and you would be most welcome. For more information please email
Volunteers Party Plans are beginning for a celebration evening to which anyone and everyone who does anything in the parish is invited – keep an eye on the newsletter and if you can help organise the evening or offer entertainment, then just volunteer by contacting the parish office.
Parish Maintenance – are you an electrician or plumber who could offer some time to join a group for small works occasionally – if so please have a word with Fr Tony.
The Winter Night Shelter will be hosted at St Joseph’s on Tuesday evenings, if you can help contact the parish office For information please visit:
Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 50th Anniversary Book: Our Lourdes Pilgrimage marks its 50th Anniversary this year with the launch of a special commemorative book. Over the book’s c.130 pages, tales of faith, hope, love in action, journey and vocation are told with hundreds of photos to illustrate them, evoking memories from every decade of the pilgrimage. Copies cost £20 plus postage and can be pre-ordered here:
There is a new Sunday Missal for the faithful in production with a starting price of about £20 which will be available in our Repository. For more details visit our Bishops Liturgy website:
Church Library – a number of religious books have been donated to the parish and are available at the entrance of St Joseph’s—please feel free to browse and borrow at no cost any that may be of interest – return them afterwards!
Parents, babies and toddlers group meets in St Joseph’s PNL Centre, on Wednesdays 10.30am. All welcome
The Saturday Group is a social group for adults and we meet at St Joseph’s, Saturdays 3pm—5.15pm. Please join us for a chat, games, a drink, & sometimes even singing
The July 2024 issue of the Parish Justice & Peace Newsletter is available here:
Yellow Bucket Collection. The parish donations to the food bank at St Matthew’s Redhill are very welcome.
CAFOD: Pope Benedict XVI said that “Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace.” For decades CAFOD has spoken out against injustice. To find out more please go to latestcampaigns
Caritas Social Action Network, in partnership with St John of God Hospitaller Service an international Catholic Charity are matching Ukrainian people displaced by the brutal war in their country with people in the Catholic community willing to host them in their homes for six months. If you have room in your home and in your heart to consider welcoming a stranger then we’d love to hear from you. Please visit
For Information on SVP help, Telephone Support and Care of the Sick in the Parish, please click here.
Thinking of the Priesthood – In our Diocese we have a St John Vianney Group meeting 4/5 Sundays each year. It is a group for men aged 18-45 who wish to explore whether they have a calling to the priesthood. To find out more, or just chat about vocations contact our vocations director, Fr Tristan Cranfield:
Diocesan weekly E-Bulletin newsletter which includes Bishop Richard’s Weekly Reflection, and details of formation and events taking place across the Diocese and our wider Catholic community. Please click on the link below to sign up, it’s a great way to stay in touch!
DO YOU SHOP ONLINE? AND WISH TO HELP PNL? If you shop online at no cost to you a small donation can be made to the parish for each purchase you make! All you need do is enter your details by going to and clicking ‘Support us for free’. Then, when shopping online, you will be asked if you want to claim a donation for PNL. Click ‘Claim Donation’ and a small percentage of what you spend will be sent to our Parish Development Fund. So, please get clicking. Thank you.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is returning!, during the 11am Mass at St Joseph’s. To comply with diocesan safeguarding rules we must adhere to the appropriate adult/child ratios meaning limited numbers; each child must have a consent form pre-filled by their parent or guardian, and a registration of children attending is required for each session. We are starting the sessions on an ad hoc basis with volunteers who are all DBS checked, with hopes of increasing frequency when more volunteers come forward. We welcome anybody who would like to volunteer, please get in touch. For more information contact and to give consent for each child go to:
Thinking of getting married, congratulations! A reminder; Bishop Richard calls for a minimum of 12 months’ notice for Marriages planned to take place in a Catholic Church to allow for the necessary preparation & paperwork. Please contact the Parish Office.
Marriage Care write to say: Please encourage your parishioners to seek support if they are experiencing relationship distress. Our professional relationship counselling service is provided on a donation-only basis and seeking help at whatever stage can make a real difference. You can find out more and book counselling sessions at
Thinking about becoming a Catholic, or maybe want to be confirmed as an adult? We run informal ‘Come and see’ sessions looking at different aspects of our faith. Please contact the parish office for more information
SAFEGUARDING IN THE PARISH Some roles in the parish require volunteers to have a DBS check which are renewed every 3 years. Katie Jones, our Safeguarding Rep, will be contacting people if a re-check is needed. However if you are in a role in the parish and have not had a recheck or if you have any query on the DBS process please contact Katie on 01737 761017.
Please note our parish safeguarding has a new email address:
BEQUESTS THANK YOU We are very grateful that a number of parishioners from our three churches have assisted our parish by gifting a donation to the parish in their wills. A sheet has been prepared by the diocese outlining the wording that should be used for this. It also includes information on Foundation Masses and bequests to our diocese. If you would like more information please contact the parish office
Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017
Email: Click Here
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm
Let us pray together that each of us may listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis. May we make a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.
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The Parish Of the Nativity of the Lord is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a Registered Charity No. 252878.