The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Parish Notices


can be found here or please see Newsletter for details


Fr Laurence Quin-Morris RIP (former parish priest here) his funeral will be on Friday 5th July at 12 noon at St Joseph’s Church, followed by burial at Storrington (Immediate family only). There will be an opportunity for private prayer at a vigil reception of his coffin the night before from 6pm – 9pm

Jacqui Chaddock RIP her funeral will be on Monday 8th July at 3.45pm at the Guildford Crematorium.

Jane O’Driscoll RIP her funeral has not yet been arranged

Please remember them and their families in your prayers


Retiring Collection this weekend : Peter’s Pence

Second Collection this weekend is for Peter’s Pence: This a worldwide collection that supports the charitable work of Pope Francis including to help victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters, and also the Holy See.

Thank you for your support and generosity


Tues 19.00 Rosary Group St Joseph’s Church
Wed 10.30 Parents & Toddlers PNL Centre at St Joseph’s
Fri 09.00 Exposition before Mass St Joseph’s Church
Sat 15.00 Get Together Group PNL Cafe at St Joseph’s
Sun 10.00 Coffee after Mass PNL Centre at Holy Family
Sun 12.00 Coffee after Mass PNL Centre at St Joseph’s


Please keep our 85 children in your prayers as over the next weekends they receive Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time – may they teach us to treasure this most precious gift with grateful lives as we follow the Lord.

Congratulations to Fr Eddie Hopkins and Fr Gustavo Campanello who were ordained last weekend at Arundel Cathedral. Please keep them in your prayers as they start out on their journey as priests serving our diocese.

50/50 June Draw: Winners of £70 each, 100 & 110

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls: Open Evening from 3.30pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday 2 July for prospective Yr. 7 entries in September 25 No need to book

Parish Life Ascending Group meet Wednesday 3rd July at 11am to noon, in the Meeting Room at PNL Centre St Joseph’s. All retired or semi-retired parishioners welcome.

Prayer Group meets monthly on a Thursday 7-9pm in St Joseph’s Church for prayer, praise, prayer ministry & formation, all welcome. Contact the parish office for details

Election Issues: The Bishops’ Conference website contains information about the issues important to Catholics. For more information please go to webpage Responses to three questions submitted to local parliamentary candidates by our Justice & Peace group can be found on our website. Please follow this link:

Don’t forget your photo ID this Thursday when voting!

East Surrey Constituency Merstham, Netherne, Hooley: a hustings will take place at the Merstham Hub, Portland Drive at 6.30pm on Wednesday 3rd July.

Refugee Tales 2024. On Saturday 6 July over 100 walkers will leave Edenbridge to walk to Westminster over five days in solidarity with refugees, people seeking asylum, migrants and people held in immigration detention. The first day will take them to Oxted to the United Reformed Church RH8 0AA, where at 7pm they invite the all to join them to hear tales and amazing music. On Sunday 7 July they will be in Caterham at the URC, Harestone Hill CR3 6SX. Events are free, book via

Join us for a Fundraising Event for IGNITE Please support the Ignite Teens Conference by joining us for a fund-raising event on 7th July after the 11am Mass at St. Joseph’s Church. We will be delivering a variety of delicious Indian snacks and cakes.

Jesus Youth UK invites all teenagers (school years 8-12) to the exciting Teens Conference “IGNITE 2024” at Worth Abbey School in Crawley from Aug 23rd-26th Join us for four days of music, theatre, sessions, testimonies, and fun. For more details and to register, visit For queries, email

Reception Places at St Joseph’s Primary School: there is an open morning on Saturday 13th July due to spaces resulting from a low birth rate. Please contact the school office for an application pack and to arrange a tour.

PARISH DAY – SUNDAY 14th JULY 10.30am  – St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (RH1 1EA)  There will be one Mass for Sunday 14th July at 10.30am, taking place outside, for all of the parish, in the grounds of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. (Saturday 5.30pm Mass as usual). Everyone is welcome, and you may like to bring neighbours and friends. Mass will be followed by a free BBQ and shared lunch (bring a plate/desert to share if you can). BYO drinks. There will be entertainment by our talented parishioners, bouncy castle provided by the SJA, and fun and games for all the family. Some parking is available at the school and there is easy access on the level for our less mobile parishioners, but consider parking at St Joseph’s Church and walking. If you can help organise the day, or be an entertainer, or offer general help, contact the parish office. Meanwhile, continue prayers for fine weather on the day!

Parish Day: Groups/Ministries: We are asking all groups in the parish to consider showcasing their group/ministry at our parish day, please contact the parish office.

Annual Mass for our Sick and Housebound – Wed 17th July at 2.30pm followed by afternoon tea! Along with our SVP group we make a special effort for this Mass to assist anyone who usually finds it difficult to come due to old age or frailty. If you know of anyone who would like to come, or you can help with lifts etc contact the parish office.

Live Life to the Full Summer Camp for young people in School years 7-11. The Lay Community of St Benedict are running a residential event for young people. With opportunities for inspiring talks, uplifting prayer, fun activities and space to just be this Summer camp will help your faith soar! 20-24 August at Worth Abbey. Contact Pete for more information E: Early bird prices available before 30th June

Lectionary For Liturgical Celebrations: The translation we use is changing from ‘The Jerusalem Bible’ to the ‘English Standard Version – Catholic Edition’ and ‘the Abbey Psalms and Canticles’ on the First Sunday of Advent, 2024. The new Lectionary gives us an opportunity to hear the ‘Word’ with fresh ears as we engage with a text which is intended for public proclamation, and reflects up to date biblical scholarship. There is a new Sunday Missal for the faithful in production with a starting price of about £20 which will be available in our Repository. For more details visit our Bishops Liturgy website:

Church Library – a number of religious books have been donated to the parish and are available at the entrance of St Joseph’s—please feel free to browse and borrow at no cost any that may be of interest – return them afterwards!

Parents, Babies and Toddlers Group – meet during term time on Wednesdays at 10.30am in the St Joseph’s PNL Centre.

The Saturday Group is a social group for adults and we meet at St Joseph’s, Saturdays 3pm—5.15pm. Please join us for a chat, games, a drink, & sometimes even singing

The January 2024 issue of the Parish Justice & Peace Newsletter is available here:

Yellow Bucket Collection. The parish donations to the food bank at St Matthew’s Redhill are very welcome.

CAFOD: Pope Benedict XVI said that “Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace.” For decades CAFOD has spoken out against injustice. To find out more please go to latestcampaigns

Caritas Social Action Network, in partnership with St John of God Hospitaller Service an international Catholic Charity are matching Ukrainian people displaced by the brutal war in their country with people in the Catholic community willing to host them in their homes for six months. If you have room in your home and in your heart to consider welcoming a stranger then we’d love to hear from you. Please visit

For Information on SVP help, Telephone Support and Care of the Sick in the Parish, please click here.


Mass for Engaged Couples 5th July at Arundel Cathedral with Bishop Richard celebrating the momentous journey of discernment that is engagement towards the lifelong commitment made by couples preparing for marriage. Join us afterwards for a small drinks reception in the Cathedral Centre. Contact the parish office for more details

please see the Diocesan website or click here

DO YOU SHOP ONLINE? AND WISH TO HELP PNL? If you shop online at no cost to you a small donation can be made to the parish for each purchase you make! All you need do is enter your details by going to and clicking ‘Support us for free’. Then, when shopping online, you will be asked if you want to claim a donation for PNL. Click ‘Claim Donation’ and a small percentage of what you spend will be sent to our Parish Development Fund. So, please get clicking. Thank you.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is returning!, during the 11am Mass at St Joseph’s. To comply with diocesan safeguarding rules we must adhere to the appropriate adult/child ratios meaning limited numbers; each child must have a consent form pre-filled by their parent or guardian, and a registration of children attending is required for each session. We are starting the sessions on an ad hoc basis with volunteers who are all DBS checked, with hopes of increasing frequency when more volunteers come forward. We welcome anybody who would like to volunteer, please get in touch. For more information contact and to give consent for each child go to:

Thinking of getting married, congratulations! A reminder; Bishop Richard calls for a minimum of 12 months’ notice for Marriages planned to take place in a Catholic Church to allow for the necessary preparation & paperwork. Please contact the Parish Office.

Marriage Care write to say: Please encourage your parishioners to seek support if they are experiencing relationship distress. Our professional relationship counselling service is provided on a donation-only basis and seeking help at whatever stage can make a real difference. You can find out more and book counselling sessions at

Thinking about becoming a Catholic, or maybe want to be confirmed as an adult? We run informal ‘Come and see’ sessions looking at different aspects of our faith. Please contact the parish office for more information

SAFEGUARDING IN THE PARISH Some roles in the parish require volunteers to have a DBS check which are renewed every 3 years. Katie Jones, our Safeguarding Rep, will be contacting people if a re-check is needed. However if you are in a role in the parish and have not had a recheck or if you have any query on the DBS process please contact Katie on 01737 761017.

Please note our parish safeguarding has a new email address:

BEQUESTS THANK YOU We are very grateful that a number of parishioners from our three churches have assisted our parish by gifting a donation to the parish in their wills. A sheet has been prepared by the diocese outlining the wording that should be used for this. It also includes information on Foundation Masses and bequests to our diocese. If you would like more information please contact the parish office

The Catechism of the Catholic Church How can you deepen your Catholic faith without going on a course or sitting down and reading the whole book from cover to cover? The answer is that each week we are publishing short extract summaries from the Catechism of the Catholic Church which have been thematically arranged in bite-size chunks that take no more than 10 minutes to read. Teach yourself and deepen your faith: click here to take you to our feature paged

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

I hope that everyone might have the experience of Peter and Paul; namely that the love of Jesus Christ may save their life and drive them to give it, drive them to give it with joy, with gratuitousness.

Pope Francis