The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Parish Notices


can be found here or please see Newsletter for details



Mon 09.30 Morning Prayer St Teresa’s Church
Tues 19.00 Rosary Group St Joseph’s Church
Wed 10.30 Parents & Toddlers PNL Centre at St Joseph’s
Fri 09.00 Exposition before Mass St Joseph’s Church
Sat 15.00 Get Together Group PNL Cafe at St Joseph’s
Sun 10.00 Coffee after Mass PNL Centre at Holy Family 
Sun 12.00 Coffee after Mass PNL Centre at St Joseph’s 


2nd Collection this weekend is for Pax Christi

Thank you for your support and generosity

Pax Christi (Today) Sunday 19th January – Hope has been a constant theme in all of Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace messages. This is all the more true this year – the 58th, which was marked on 1 January 2025, as the Church begins the Jubilee of Hope amid an unprecedented combination of challenges facing the world today. Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Its vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in any form. Pax Christi is rooted in Catholic Christianity but is open to all who share its values and work. 

Crib Collection This year all monies donated will go to the Arundel & Brighton Catholic Children’s Society Crisis Fund.


Audrey Edwards RIP her funeral has not yet been arranged.

Susan McMenamin RIP her funeral has not yet been arranged.

Margaret Murray RIP her funeral has not yet been arranged.

Yvonne Parker RIP her funeral has not yet been arranged

Edith Rashbrook RIP her funeral has not yet been arranged

Please remember them and their families in your prayers

Parish Lunch – Thank you to our Justice & Peace Group who hosted the parish lunch last Sunday A wonderful time was had by all.

The 50/50 Club is starting again for this new year For £12 per ticket/year, 50% of the total income goes to support the parish and 50% is given in monthly prizes, with the winning numbers drawn at random by computer. To renew your subscription, join the scheme, or for more information’ email:

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School If you are applying for a place follow the instructions on the school website and return the supplementary forms to school before 15th Jan 2025. Fr Tony will meet families to sign the forms on Mon 20th Jan 4-5.30pm; Wed 22nd Jan 5-7pm, and Thur 21st Jan 4-5.30pm to sign the forms.

UCM Next Meeting Wednesday 29th January 2025, AGM at St. Teresa’s 7:30pm

St Joseph’s Pre-School: We are Ofsted registered and accept the following funding: FEET, Working Parent Entitlement, Universal and 30 Hours Free Childcare funding. Fees will apply if you are not eligible for any of the funding. We have preschool spaces available for children aged between 2-4 years. Contact the Admission Secretary (Chow Treadwell) on or call admissions on 07847 221367

Book Club + Circle – Our chosen book to discuss at our next meeting on Thursday 6th February at 8pm is “Self- Abandonment to Divine Providence” by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Available second hand online. Our meetings last no more than an hour and everyone is welcome to join us – even if you haven’t managed to read the book.

Live Simply Award. We are asking CAFOD for assessment, following our application for the Live Simply Award in May 2023. Have you or/and your group played a part in the PNL qualification? The draft report can be viewed on the Justice & Peace section of the website. Contact if you have other details we can add.

The Winter Night Shelter If you would like to help host our turn at St Joseph’s Feb/Mar 2025, contact the parish office.

17th Reigate Scouts: Have you set yourself a New Year goal? Want to try something different that is of benefit to you whilst doing something positive for others? We’re looking for more volunteers to help our Scout Group continue to provide more opportunities, greater adventures and continued success. It doesn’t matter if you have never been involved in Scouting before, what we are looking for is people who can inspire and support our young people either through our weekly meetings, various activities and camps, or in the background. There’s something for everyone and if you can only help once in a while, it’s still a valuable contribution you can make. To have a chat email

A&B Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage: Applications to this year’s pilgrimage are now open. Travelling to Lourdes is a wonderful experience full of fun, companionship, faith, friendship and laughter. The pilgrimage takes place 28th July to 3rd August by air, or 27th July to 4th August by coach or jumbulance. You can find out more about journeying to Lourdes with us this summer by visiting Lourdes Pilgrimage at the diocesan website

Jubilee for Youth 18-30yrs old: Pilgrims of Hope, 28 July-4 August 2025, Rome, (Cost £995 inc. flights, half-board & event entry). A Diocesan pilgrimage for young adults with other like-minded people in the beautiful city of Rome, with opportunities to pray with Pope Francis on the theme of hope. Contact the parish office for more details

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 12-19th September 2025. Cost £750 if sharing with £30 discount if you pay £150 deposit before end of January. This includes plane fare, transfers, guide throughout the week and half board in hotel. Single room supplement £150. Please contact the parish office on 01737 761017 if you would like to join us.

Parents, babies and toddlers group meets in St Joseph’s PNL Centre, on Wednesdays 10.30am. All welcome

The Saturday Group is a social group for adults and we meet at St Joseph’s, Saturdays 3pm—5.15pm. Please join us for a chat, games, a drink, & sometimes even singing

The January 2025 issue of the Parish Justice & Peace Newsletter is available here:

Yellow Bucket Collection. The parish donations to the food bank at St Matthew’s Redhill are very welcome.

Our SVP groups are reaching out to those in any kind of need, please call 07918980330 and they will call back.

For Information on SVP help, Telephone Support and Care of the Sick in the Parish, please click here.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is returning!, during the 11am Mass at St Joseph’s. To comply with diocesan safeguarding rules we must adhere to the appropriate adult/child ratios meaning limited numbers; each child must have a consent form pre-filled by their parent or guardian, and a registration of children attending is required for each session. We are starting the sessions on an ad hoc basis with volunteers who are all DBS checked, with hopes of increasing frequency when more volunteers come forward. We welcome anybody who would like to volunteer, please get in touch. For more information contact and to give consent for each child go to:

Thinking about becoming a Catholic? An informal group meets regularly and you would be very welcome to come along, without any obligation, to find out more about the Catholic faith. Please contact the parish office.

SAFEGUARDING IN THE PARISH Some roles in the parish require volunteers to have a DBS check which are renewed every 3 years. Katie Jones, our Safeguarding Rep, will be contacting people if a re-check is needed. However if you are in a role in the parish and have not had a recheck or if you have any query on the DBS process please contact Katie on 01737 761017.

Please note our parish safeguarding has a new email address:

You Can Help Your Marriage –Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Retrouvaille ( has helped 1000s of couples. For confidential information about the next Zoom course starting late Feb: mb 0788 7296983

Thinking of getting married, congratulations! A reminder; Bishop Richard calls for a minimum of 12 months’ notice for Marriages planned to take place in a Catholic Church to allow for the necessary preparation & paperwork. Please contact the Parish Office.

Marriage Care write to say: Please encourage your parishioners to seek support if they are experiencing relationship distress. Our professional relationship counselling service is provided on a donation-only basis and seeking help at whatever stage can make a real difference. You can find out more and book counselling sessions at

BEQUESTS THANK YOU We are very grateful that a number of parishioners from our three churches have assisted our parish by gifting a donation to the parish in their wills. A sheet has been prepared by the diocese outlining the wording that should be used for this. It also includes information on Foundation Masses and bequests to our diocese. If you would like more information please contact the parish office

DO YOU SHOP ONLINE? AND WISH TO HELP PNL? If you shop online at no cost to you a small donation can be made to the parish for each purchase you make! All you need do is enter your details by going to and clicking ‘Support us for free’. Then, when shopping online, you will be asked if you want to claim a donation for PNL. Click ‘Claim Donation’ and a small percentage of what you spend will be sent to our Parish Development Fund. So, please get clicking. Thank you.


please see the Diocesan website or click here

Pilgrims of Hope 2025: Pope Francis has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. The Jubilee will provide an important opportunity for people across our global family of faith to enrich their relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation offering hope and healing to a world suffering the effects of war, poverty and deprivation, and the climate crisis. The Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee presents each one of us with an opportunity to reignite the flame of faith in our own hearts and to share the light of that faith with those in darkness.

Thinking of the Priesthood – In our Diocese we have a St John Vianney Group meeting 4/5 Sundays each year. It is a group for men aged 18-45 who wish to explore whether they have a calling to the priesthood. To find out more, or just chat about vocations contact our vocations director, Fr Tristan Cranfield:

Diocesan weekly E-Bulletin newsletter which includes Bishop Richard’s Weekly Reflection, and details of formation and events taking place across the Diocese and our wider Catholic community. Please click on the link below to sign up, it’s a great way to stay in touch!

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

Just as Jesus gave the wonderful new wine to the marriage feast, to the delight of the wedding party, so we receive the many gifts the Spirit gives, and we too rejoice. We must not leave them, as it were, ‘on the shelf’ simply to be looked at and admired. Let us use them – for this is the mark of discipleship in our service to Christ and His Church.
Bishop Richard Moth