The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Parish Prayer Intentions and Petitions

Prayers of Intercession

The Baptism of the Lord (year C)

12th January 2025

For the Church, that all the baptised may take their Christian commitment seriously.

Lord in your mercy R. Hear our Prayer

For the world, that prophetic voices may call all nations to reconciliation and continue to speak fearlessly for justice on earth. We especially pray for the people of Ukraine, the Holy Land and Sudan.

Lord in your mercy R. Hear our Prayer

For parents and godparents, that their good example may give the Church a great new generation of Christians.

Lord in your mercy R Hear our Prayer

For those oppressed, afflicted or in need, that the support of our community may help them in difficult times.

Lord in your mercy R. Hear our Prayer

For the sick and suffering in our community, that healing, peace, and new strength may be given to them.

Lord in your mercy R. Hear our Prayer

For those who have died recently, including Audrey Edwards, Susan McMenamin, Yvonne Parker, and Edith Rashbrook, and for those who mourn them.

Lord in your mercy R. Hear our Prayer

Prayer for Peace To the Creator of nature and man, of truth and beauty I pray: Hear my voice, for it is the voice of the victims of all wars and violence among individuals and nations; Hear my voice, for it is the voice of all children who suffer and will suffer when people put their faith in weapons and war; Hear my voice when I beg you to instil into the hearts of all human beings the wisdom of peace, the strength of justice and the joy of fellowship; Hear my voice, for I speak for the multitudes in every country and in every period of history who do not want war and are ready to walk the road of peace; Hear my voice and grant insight and strength so that we may always respond to hatred with love, to injustice with total dedication to justice, to need with the sharing of self, to war with peace. O God, hear my voice and grant unto the world your everlasting peace. (Pope Saint John Paul II)

About Us

In May 2009 the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord was officially inaugurated by Bishop Kieran Conry, bringing together in a single united community worshippers from the former Parishes of St Joseph’s in Redhill, Holy Family in Reigate and St Teresa of the Child Jesus in Merstham. Whilst retaining its three Churches, the new Parish is administered as a single Parish under the care of Fr Tony Bridson.  Working with Fr Tony are Deacon Tim Murrill and key groups of lay representatives from the three Churches.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

We are called to nothing less than living every moment of life caught up, as it were, in the love that exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptism brings us to life lived in the love of the Blessed Trinity.
Bishop Richard Moth