The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Redhill

St Josephs Catholic Primary School

Linkfield Lane
Surrey RH1 1DU
Headteacher: Mrs Tamsyn Lawlor
Telephone: 01737 765373
Fax: 01737 768557

St Josephs Catholic Primary School is a successful three form entry school, with classes from Reception to Year 6, serving approximately 630 pupils in the Catholic catchment area in Surrey. The school can proudly boast many achievements over the past few years including a School Achievement Award from the Department of Education and Skills, ICT Accreditation from Surrey County Council, and National Healthy Schools Status. St Josephs is particularly renowned for its sporting abilities and has an Activemark for exceptional delivery within the National School Sports Strategy and has been awarded the FA Charter Standard for Schools by the FA Football Development Programme.

About Us

In May 2009 the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord was officially inaugurated by Bishop Kieran Conry, bringing together in a single united community worshippers from the former Parishes of St Joseph’s in Redhill, Holy Family in Reigate and St Teresa of the Child Jesus in Merstham. Whilst retaining its three Churches, the new Parish is administered as a single Parish under the care of Fr Tony Bridson.  Working with Fr Tony are Deacon Tim Murrill and key groups of lay representatives from the three Churches.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

We are called to nothing less than living every moment of life caught up, as it were, in the love that exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptism brings us to life lived in the love of the Blessed Trinity.
Bishop Richard Moth