The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Prayer Ideas


Pray and reflect with us:
In a time of isolation, take some time to pause and focus on your wellbeing. We have prayers, liturgies and reflections to support you in your prayer life.

While the kids are off school and you’re in need of some fun activities, our education resources pages are packed with great ideas.

Join our new Facebook group so that we can gather as an online family and offer you our prayers, online talks and isolation activities in one place, please do share your own ideas too.

Prayers and resources for children’s liturgy


Two versions of The Guardian Angel Prayer, the Act of Spiritual Communion, Reparation and Consecration, Prayer before Benediction, and St Francis de Sales’ Prayer can be found at


The latest updates from the Bishops’ Conference can be viewed here

Art that Comforts from the Vatican

Vatican News You Tube Channel

News from the Shrine at Walsingham

Mary TV streams various programmes from Medjugorje in English

About Us

In May 2009 the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord was officially inaugurated by Bishop Kieran Conry, bringing together in a single united community worshippers from the former Parishes of St Joseph’s in Redhill, Holy Family in Reigate and St Teresa of the Child Jesus in Merstham. Whilst retaining its three Churches, the new Parish is administered as a single Parish under the care of Fr Tony Bridson.  Working with Fr Tony are Deacon Tim Murrill and key groups of lay representatives from the three Churches.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

For most of us, the struggle to be truly consistent in our living, our speaking, our actions, is a daily challenge – but it is one we must embrace if we are to be the Lord’s disciples.
Bishop Richard Moth