The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Parish Safeguarding

Safeguarding the Dignity of All

Every human being has a value and dignity which we acknowledge as coming directly from God’s creation of men and women in his own image and likeness. We believe therefore that all people should be valued, supported and protected from harm. We recognise the personal dignity and rights of vulnerable people towards whom the Church has a special responsibility.

Ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are kept safe and know they are loved is at the very core of the Church’s ministry.  The work of safeguarding has to be seen within the overall mission of the Church. As she seeks to protect the vulnerable and weak, the Church needs to ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God’. (Micah 6:8). It is a ministry of love and healing and seeks justice for all.

It is the firm expectation of the Bishop, Trustees and Safeguarding Commission that all those working with vulnerable groups including children, young people or adults at risk, undertake diocesan Safeguarding Awareness Training. This is not dependent on their role being eligible for a DBS check. Training can be achieved by individuals completing the relevant EduCare/Tes module(s) online.

The diocesan Safeguarding Commission fully expects all those engaged in this important ministry to complete the mandatory training. Completion of this training is required if individuals wish to continue working with vulnerable groups. You can find out more about training requirements here.

Our parish and community’s goal is to be a place of welcome, where each person is respected and loved, and in which everyone receives and shares their unique gifts. If you have any safeguarding concerns or queries please contact the Parish office and ask to speak to the Parish Priest or email our Parish Safeguarding Representative.

Parish Safeguarding Representative – The Safeguarding representative has special responsibility for promoting good and safe practices in all activities involving children, young people and adults at risk and works together with the Parish Priest.

Our Safeguarding Representative is Katie Jones.  To contact her email

Safeguarding Guidelines for volunteers

Safeguarding Guidelines 2020

Find out more about Safeguarding Policies in our Diocese

Useful Contact Details for Safeguarding

A & B Diocese Safeguarding Team

Tel: 01293 651148. | Email: |


Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA)

Tel: 0207 901 1920 | Email: | Website: CSSA

About Us

In May 2009 the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord was officially inaugurated by Bishop Kieran Conry, bringing together in a single united community worshippers from the former Parishes of St Joseph’s in Redhill, Holy Family in Reigate and St Teresa of the Child Jesus in Merstham. Whilst retaining its three Churches, the new Parish is administered as a single Parish under the care of Fr Tony Bridson.  Working with Fr Tony are Deacon Tim Murrill and key groups of lay representatives from the three Churches.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

We are recipients of the gift of hope that is our pilgrimage to the Kingdom. As we make this pilgrimage, this journey, we are called to be the Lord’s presence for our brothers and sisters.
Bishop Richard Moth