The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Care of the sick

Local Hospital:

East Surrey Hospital
Canada Avenue,
Surrey RH1 5RH
Tel: 01737 768511

The hospital will not inform the Catholic chaplain, Fr Alban (01293 431703), of your presence in the hospital unless a specific request is made by either yourself or your family for a visit. If you would like a visit from him please ask the hospital staff or contact him directly yourself.

If you are going in hospital as a ‘Planned Admission’ you are encouraged to contact Fr Tony to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to your Hospital stay.

See also the video tweet from Pope Francis about the Anointing of the Sick

Our parish SVP groups are reaching out to those in need of any kind and have a mobile phone for this purpose, please ring 07918980330 and they will call back.

THE ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ( works locally in parishes through volunteers helping anyone in need. Join them and work with them to help in whatever way you can. During this pandemic many people are suffering terrible hardship. Contact the parish office for more details of how you can help the SVP’s work.

Telephone Support If you would like to have a chat with someone for whatever reason in the parish, or would like to offer a bit of support at this time, please contact the parish office to share your details

Telephone Support of the bereaved, our Bereavement Team are able to offer you the time and space to talk If you have been recently bereaved. If you would like to talk to someone then please contact the Parish office and this can be arranged.

Prayers for the Sick – If you would like to add someone to the list, please make sure you have that person’s permission. Please inform us when your loved one has recovered and can be removed from the list. Thank you.

Visiting the Sick and Housebound Our Extraordinary ministers of Communion are bringing Communion to our parish’s frailer members and currently we have about 50 being visited monthly. Our SVP members also visit on a regular basis. If you know of anyone who cannot come to Mass and would like such a visit please contact the parish office after obtaining their permission.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

We are recipients of the gift of hope that is our pilgrimage to the Kingdom. As we make this pilgrimage, this journey, we are called to be the Lord’s presence for our brothers and sisters.
Bishop Richard Moth