The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

Parish Notices

The Easter Triduum
Beginning with the Easter Triduum as its source of light, the new age of the Resurrection fills the whole liturgical year with its brilliance. Gradually, on either side of this source, the year is transfigured, by the liturgy. Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the ‘Feast of feasts’, the ‘Solemnity of solemnities’, just as the Eucharist is the ‘Sacrament of sacraments’ (the Great Sacrament). St Athanasius calls Easter ‘the Great Sunday’ and the Eastern Churches call Holy Week ‘the Great Week’. The mystery of the Resurrection in which Christ crushed death, permeates with its powerful energy our old time, until all is subjected to him. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1168/9).

Holy Thursday 8pm
Good Friday 3pm
Easter Vigil Saturday 8.30pm at St Joseph’s Church;
Easter Sunday Masses as usual

Please be mindful that numbers attending are limited due to Government guidelines and that at both St Joseph’s and Holy Family we can overspill into the halls, so Mass at those churches can accommodate more people.

We will celebrate our Masses this Easter with the usual Sunday Mass timetable (the Vigil will be on Sat eve at 8.30pm). All are welcome to come to an Easter Mass (and at St Joseph’s we can relay the sound outside and bring communion so that, if we reach full capacity, anyone wishing to be outside can still participate). We will also operate a booking system for those who are considered by the Government to be vulnerable but would like to be present, so that as far as possible we can ensure them a place inside first.
If you are considered vulnerable by the government, and do not have, or live with someone who has, Covid 19 or associated symptoms, are not waiting for results from a test, or have not been instructed to self-isolate, and would like to book to attend an Easter Mass please email the parish office with ‘Easter Mass place’ in the title.

Holy Week Retreat for Young People: Join the Well-spring Community, Monks of Worth Abbey, and young people from across the country in this interactive online retreat over the Easter Triduum – April 1-4th

Caring for Creation during Lent a parish group reflecting on the weekly Gospel reading, share inspiring stories from around the world and on excerpts from Laudato Si – for details contact:

…Also, Have you considered focusing on ecological con-version as your Lenten sacrifice? Maybe go plastic free – contact:

Something extra for Lent – Pope Frances has spoken about the sacrament of Reconciliation which we can still celebrate by appointment during lockdown. He spoke of three important elements: “abandoning oneself to love”; “letting oneself be transformed by love”; “corresponding to love.”:

CAFOD – Mary Barratt is 75% through walking 10,000 sponsored steps each Lenten day! – see her just-giving page: Mary Walking for Water | Walk for Water | CAFOD

Invited. Lent 2021 – The Mission has concluded for this Season But you can catch up on each week’s pre-recorded episode on the Diocesan website, with a transcript and Thursday’s group questions listed underneath in the supporting resources. Season one is a series of programmes that help us to understand exactly how much we are loved by God, see:

Season 1 Episode 1: Love
Season 1 Episode 2: Fallen
Season 1 Episode 3: Light
Season 1 Episode 4: Called
Season 1 Episode 5: Journey


Churches and Lockdown 3 – what we can do…

Now we are in our third Lockdown we can still attend communal worship (Mass) but we must only sit with our own household or support bubble and we cannot mingle with other households before, during, or after coming to Church. It is good to be able to have the choice of coming to Mass but remember that the obligation to do so is still suspended and it is important not only to be safe but to feel safe

Church opening times this week

Wednesday – St Joseph’s 5.30pm – 6.30pm Private Prayer

Public Mass

Friday – St Joseph’s Church 10,00am Mass

Saturday – St Joseph’s Church 5.30pm

Sunday – Holy Family Church 9.00am

St Joseph’s Church 11.00am

St Teresa’s Church 5.30pm

Please be mindful that the numbers are limited due to Government guidelines and that at both St Joseph’s and Holy Family we can overspill into the halls, so Mass at those Churches can accommodate more people.

Those entering are asked not to touch or physically venerate statues or other sacred objects.

Toilets and washing/baby changing facilities are to remain closed

Details of live-streamed Masses in the Diocese can be found here

Mass by phone, Sundays 11.30am from Middlesbrough Cathedral, dial 01642 130120 five minutes before the start.

With very many thanks to our own volunteer stewards, who enable our public Mass and private prayer to continue in whatever way we can during this unfolding pandemic. It is thanks to these parishioners that we have been able to open the churches and offer, as best we can, a safe and welcoming place to be in the Lord’s presence for any who wish to come for private prayer, or gather for the Mass. Even if fewer people and families may come at present, the welcome of open doors and lights shining can be in itself a witness and beacon of hope for those who pass by.

Volunteer Stewards are still needed for our Masses and private prayer opportunities, you must not be from those instructed to shield themselves, nor from those under 18 or over 70 years old, or from groups considered more vulnerable to coronavirus. If you can help in please email the parish office with the subject line ‘Volunteer’ and encourage others to offer as well.

Track & Trace. In order to comply with Track & Trace, we have provided a QR Code in all churches, if you have a smart phone please scan the code, on entry, or please give your contact details to a Steward. Details will be kept for 21 days. Thank you for your co-operation.


Stephen Wheeler RIP, His funeral will take place at Holy Family on Wed 31st March, followed at the Surrey and Sussex Crematorium
John Warren RIP His funeral is to be arranged.
Fr Brian Taylor RIP, retired priest of this Diocese, his funeral is to be arranged

Please remember them and their families in your prayers.

Safeguarding Awareness Training – The Diocese has introduced mandatory online safeguarding training for all volunteers who work with vulnerable groups including; children, young people or adults at risk. If you volunteer in the Parish with one of these groups it is expected that you will undertake this online training by 31 March 2021. You should have heard from our safeguarding rep, Katie Jones, but if not please email

Online Alpha (using Zoom) at PNL We are excited as a parish to invite as many people as possible to take part in our Alpha Online course after Easter, w/c 12 April 2020. Alpha is a chance to ask the big questions in life – What is my purpose? What happens when I die? Why is there suffering? -and explore the Christian faith in a fun, non-pressurised environment. Each session (over 11 weeks) is approximately 1 hr 30 mins long and includes a short film and a discussion where you can share what you think with a small group of people just like you. We are hoping to ensure there are enough different time slots during the week to suit individual circumstances. We would also love you to invite your friends and family too. And being online, you are not geographically limited! If at any point you decide that Alpha isn’t for you, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure and no charge. To sign up or for details email:

Sacramental programmes – we still don’t know when we might be able to meet in person to prepare for our children and young people’s sacraments, but if you would like to register interest at this stage please email: First Reconciliation/ Holy Communion and Confirmation

This month’s 50/50 club winner of £25, is ticket 41! For more information email

PETITION: That the Government Does Not Reduce Over-seas Aid: There are suggestions that the Government is planning to reduce its commitment to giving 0.7% of GDP as overseas aid. We want to keep this foreign aid and help the world’s poor.Please sign the petition. At 10,000 signatures the Government will respond to the petition. At 100,00 the petition will be considered for debate. Thank you

Telephone support If you would like to have a chat with someone for whatever reason in the parish, or would like to offer a bit of support at this time, please contact the parish office to share your details
Telephone Support of the bereaved, members of our Deanery Bereavement Team are able to offer you the time and space to talk If you have been recently bereaved. In the current circumstances, face to face visiting may prove difficult, but a chat on the phone is simple to arrange. If you would like to talk to someone then please contact the Parish office and this can be arranged.

Parish Online Zoom group There is a small group of parishioners who meet via Zoom each week on a Sunday evening at 6pm for about 40mins to share the Gospel for that week, prayer requests and a song / hymn. We are keen to welcome anyone and if you are interested, please get in touch via the parish office.

Marriage Care write to say: Please encourage your parishioners to seek support if they are experiencing relationship distress. Our professional relationship counselling service is provided on a donation-only basis and seeking help at whatever stage can make a real difference. You can find out more and book counselling sessions at

Lourdes Pilgrimage Appeal Collection There are plans for an ‘able pilgrimage’ this year. For those who wish to donate on-line to the A&B Lourdes Pilgrimage Appeal Collection, start by using the A&B Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage website:, then click the DONATE button on the right of the screen. If you have any questions, please contact the A&B Lourdes Pilgrimage Office, either by email on or call 01403 740110

The parish Justice & Peace group have a new newsletter on the parish website. Click Here 
Do read it for news of local homelessness, the Medaille Trust, Cafod, and the climate, as well as those detained at Gatwick. For further details of the J&P group which meets monthly online please contact the parish office.

Scouts and lockdown – our beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers are continuing in very imaginative ways at the moment. They celebrated Founders Day this week and said thanks to some of the leaders who have gone above and beyond to continue Scouting during lockdown. The Commissioner Commendation Award for good service has been awarded to Martin Beckett, Sarah Davis, Tors Brown, Nikki Hurst, Graham Mountain, Matt Brown and Paul Cove. Well done to them all for their commitment and enthusiasm. More volunteer helpers are always welcome – check the website:

Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group -The charity provides emotional and practical support to asylum seekers and other migrants held in immigration detention at Gatwick. In normal times we support about 1,000 people each year through our staff and volunteer visitors. We are looking for a new Treasurer, a qualified Accountant, to replace George Fitzsimons who is retiring from the post. We would be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested. For more information and without any obligation, please contact George Fitzsimons:

The year of St Joseph proclaimed by Pope Francis with the Apostolic Letter “Patris corde” (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis recalls the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church – more details:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church How can you deepen your Catholic faith without going on a course or sitting down and reading the whole book from cover to cover? The answer is that each week we are publishing short extract summaries from the Catechism of the Catholic Church which have been thematically arranged in bite-size chunks that take no more than 10 minutes to read. Teach yourself and deepen your faith: click here to take you to our feature page.

If you shop online at no cost to you a small donation can be made to the parish for each purchase you make! All you need do is enter your details by going to and clicking ‘Support us for free’. Then, when shopping online, you will be asked if you want to claim a donation for PNL. Click ‘Claim Donation’ and a small percentage of what you spend will be sent to our Parish Development Fund. So, please get clicking. Thank you.

VINCENTIAN VOLUNTEER Aged 18-35 with a year to spare to live in a faith-filled community and make a difference serving the needy in our society? Then visit

ST JOHN VIANNEY GROUP “I have a vocation from God. If I already know what it is, I pray to be faithful. If I am still searching, I pray to hear God’s voice and to respond generously.” Is God calling you to the priesthood? The St John Vianney Group is a group for men, aged 18-45 who wish to explore whether they have a calling. For further details contact Fr Con Foley via email foleycon@gmail .com or call 01932 842 643.

SAFEGUARDING IN THE PARISH Some roles in the parish require volunteers to have a DBS check which are renewed every 3 years. Katie Jones, our Safeguarding Rep, will be contacting people if a re-check is needed. However if you are in a role in the parish and have not had a recheck or if you have any query on the DBS process please contact Katie on 01737 761017.

BEQUESTS THANK YOU We are very grateful that a number of parishioners from our three churches have assisted our parish by gifting a donation to the parish in their wills. A sheet has been prepared by the diocese outlining the wording that should be used for this. It also includes information on Foundation Masses and bequests to our diocese. If you would like more information please take one of the blue sheets at the backs of all our churches.

Holy Family Catholic Church
Yorke Road
Surrey RH2 9HF
Tel: 01737 761017

The Holy Family is the Roman Catholic Church for the Community of Reigate in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, and is part of the greater Parish of the Nativity of the Lord, which, in 2009, brought together 2,500 Roman Catholics from The Holy Family in Reigate, St Joseph’s in Redhill and St Teresa’s in Merstham.

Church History
Until the 1930’s most of the Catholic community of Reigate used to attend the old St Joseph’s Church in Redhill, many of them walking to Sunday Mass having fasted since the night before. Then a local benefactor, working with the Diocese of Southwark, acquired a piece of land in Yorke Road and paid for the Church of the Holy Family to be built. It was consecrated in 1938. Another benefactor paid for the church organ and some others for stained glass windows. Building work was then suspended for the duration of the war.

In 1945 Monsignor Clement Constable was appointed the first parish priest, after the priest’s house had been built adjacent to the church. A flourishing community was soon established and the church was regularly filled to capacity. A Parish Centre paid for by parishioners and fund raising events was later built in the grounds.

A Mass Centre was also established for a time in Woodhatch for those parishioners in the south of the town. This temporary church, dedicated to St Michael, lasted for nearly 50 years, and was decommissioned in 2003 when the wooden hut was beyond economic repair.

The last parish priest, Fr Daryl George, served until 2007. The parish was then administered jointly with St Joseph’s in Redhill and St Teresa’s in Merstham until being canonically joined with them to form the new parish of The Nativity of the Lord inaugurated at Pentecost 2009.

Thought for the week

Jesus is very clear about the call to His disciples to bear fruit, something that is simply impossible unless we remain close to Him, part of the vine.

Bishop Richard Moth

About Us

In May 2009 the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord was officially inaugurated by Bishop Kieran Conry, bringing together in a single united community worshippers from the former Parishes of St Joseph’s in Redhill, Holy Family in Reigate and St Teresa of the Child Jesus in Merstham. Whilst retaining its three Churches, the new Parish is administered as a single Parish under the care of Fr Tony Bridson.  Working with Fr Tony are Deacon Tim Murrill and key groups of lay representatives from the three Churches.