The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord


Infant Baptism

Parents are encouraged to have their babies baptised in the early weeks following the birth, and to be ready for the duties that the sacrament entails by prayer and embarking on some preparation (Canon 867 §1). At least one parent should be a Catholic, who participates in the life of the Church. There should be a realistic hope that the child will be brought up in the practice of the faith. Many parents are now carrying out the practical preparations before the birth. If you have any questions, please speak to one of the clergy team.

Preparation Sessions

Baptism Preparation Classes are in the Hall at the PNL Centre at St Joseph’s. Sessions commence promptly at 8pm.

It is essential to attend both sessions. At the end of the second session the date and time of the Baptism service will be arranged. Please return the application form to the Parish Office before session A. A Baptism Application Form and dates for for the next year will be available shortly.

Baptism is the gateway to all the other Sacraments and, indeed, the life of grace in the Church.

Through the pouring or immersion in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit the infant or adult becomes part of the Church.

In this Sacrament we die with Christ that we might share in his resurrection (Romans 6). Baptism is the sacrament of salvation that opens for us the way to eternal life.

The church requires a minimum of one Catholic godparent who should be practising in the faith and be available to support the family in the Christian life. Baptised Christians of other denominations can also be ‘Christian witnesses’ in a similar role to the Godparents. Note that Baptisms are not held in Advent or Lent unless there is an urgent need.

Baptism of adults typically involves at least a year of enquiry and instruction in the Faith of the Church. This is covered in the RCIA Programme.

The sacrament of infant Baptism can be celebrated during Mass, but the preferred time is at 12:15 on Sunday in any of the 3 churches in the Parish.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

We are recipients of the gift of hope that is our pilgrimage to the Kingdom. As we make this pilgrimage, this journey, we are called to be the Lord’s presence for our brothers and sisters.
Bishop Richard Moth