The Parish of the Nativity of the Lord

17th Reigate Scout Group

THE 17TH REIGATE SCOUT GROUP has been around for 100 years and during that time the group has gone from strength to strength. There have been times when the group was at the point of closure through lack of leaders but somehow it has continued. Perhaps it is by the grace of God that the 17th survives.

The Scout Group began in 1915, having being approved its formation at the District Scout Council on March 5 1915. Father C M Westlake, the then Parish Priest of St Joseph’s became the first scoutmaster with Cubs meeting on Wednesdays between 6 and 8.15pm and Scouts on Thursday between 7.30 and 9.30pm. They met in the large room of the hall on the south side of the old St Joseph’s Church in Brighton Road. Subscriptions at that time were 1p a week for Cubs and 2p a week for Scouts.

Over the years Scouts have come and gone, Cubs grown up and Beavers introduced. There have been many leaders, helpers and friends associated with the Group who have helped bring Scouting to all the young people. Today we have four Sections made up of Beavers (6-8 years old), Cubs (8-10 years old), Scouts (10 – 14 years old) and Explorers (14 – 18 years old). There are over 120 boys and girls in these four sections. Cubs meet on Tuesdays and the other three sections on Fridays during school term time at the Scout Centre at St Joseph’s. Please follow the link to the 17th Reigate Scout website for more details and contact information.

‘Squirrels’ a new section is starting, aimed at introducing 4-5 year olds to the scouting adventure. They will meet on Thursdays 4.30-5.30pm. If you would like your child to join or could offer to help send an email:


Have you set yourself a New Year goal? Want to try something different that is of benefit to you whilst doing something positive for others? We’re looking for more volunteers to help our Scout Group continue to provide more opportunities, greater adventures and continued success. It doesn’t matter if you have never been involved in Scouting before, what we are looking for is people who can inspire and support our young people either through our weekly meetings, various activities and camps, or in the background. There’s something for everyone and if you can only help once in a while, it’s still a valuable contribution you can make. To have a chat email


Since our Centenary celebrations and opening of our new Scout Centre in 2015, the Group has continued to grow in strength. We have opened a second Beaver Colony, a second Cub Pack and are now planning for our second Scout Troop. Our numbers based upon the latest census have 161 young people enjoying Scouting making us the second largest group in Reigate District. We are introducing new activities such as fencing, archery and kayaking to continue to provide opportunities. Our success is down to the fantastic leadership team but we need more help to make the Group even more successful. We need more assistance across all the sections and this could be as little or as much time as can be provided. It needn’t be with the weekly meetings as we also require support in the background whether that be on the Group committee or just helping with activities. No prior Scouting knowledge or experience is needed. If you can help or would like more information please feel free to talk to any leader, or contact Tony, GSL email or phone 07872 617940.

Get in touch

Parish Office
122 Ladbroke Road
Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LF
01737 761017

Email: Click Here

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am – 3.30pm

Thought for the week

We are recipients of the gift of hope that is our pilgrimage to the Kingdom. As we make this pilgrimage, this journey, we are called to be the Lord’s presence for our brothers and sisters.
Bishop Richard Moth